Source code for superintendent.acquisition_functions

Functions to prioritise labelling data points (to drive active learning).
from typing import Callable, Dict

import numpy as np
import scipy.stats

from .decorators import make_acquisition_function

__all__ = ["entropy", "margin", "certainty"]

[docs]@make_acquisition_function(handle_multioutput=None) # noqa: D002 def entropy(probabilities: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Sort by the entropy of the probabilities (high to low). Parameters ---------- probabilities : np.ndarray An array of probabilities, with the shape n_samples, n_classes Other Parameters ---------------- shuffle_prop : float (default=0.1) The proportion of data points that should be randomly shuffled. This means the sorting retains some randomness, to avoid biasing your new labels and catching any minority classes the algorithm currently classifies as a different label. """ neg_entropy = -scipy.stats.entropy(probabilities.T) return neg_entropy
[docs]@make_acquisition_function(handle_multioutput="mean") # noqa: D002 def margin(probabilities: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Sort by the margin between the top two predictions (low to high). Parameters ---------- probabilities : np.ndarray An array of probabilities, with the shape n_samples, n_classes Other Parameters ---------------- shuffle_prop : float The proportion of data points that should be randomly shuffled. This means the sorting retains some randomness, to avoid biasing your new labels and catching any minority classes the algorithm currently classifies as a different label. """ margin = ( np.sort(probabilities, axis=1)[:, -1] - np.sort(probabilities, axis=1)[:, -2] ) return margin
[docs]@make_acquisition_function(handle_multioutput="mean") # noqa: D002 def certainty(probabilities: np.ndarray): """ Sort by the certainty of the maximum prediction. Parameters ---------- probabilities : np.ndarray An array of probabilities, with the shape n_samples, n_classes Other Parameters ---------------- shuffle_prop : float The proportion of data points that should be randomly shuffled. This means the sorting retains some randomness, to avoid biasing your new labels and catching any minority classes the algorithm currently classifies as a different label. """ certainty = probabilities.max(axis=-1) return certainty
functions: Dict[str, Callable] = { "entropy": entropy, "margin": margin, "certainty": certainty, } """A dictionary of functions to prioritise data."""